100 Days Of Code
I Just signed up for 100 Days of Codeing.
They requier Twittering everyday but I’m not a Tweeter so I will either BLog here on Github or break down and get a twitter account
See this explination 100 Days of Code
Day 1: July 25, Wednesday
Today’s Progress: I’ve gone through 3 exercises on FreeCodeCamp and did one project.
Thoughts I’ve had many coding classes in college and want to step up my game, I found out that coding is not like riding a bike you don’t just learn it and then know it from now on, I don’t code at work so my skills rusted up quite a bit. I want to revamp them and try and stay current with modern technology I started following students of CodeClan in Scotland and found Free Code Camp so I’m working through the course ware and once done hope to contribute to the project, and it’s an awesome feeling when I finally solve an exercise challenge after a lot of failing unit tests that green banner appears and it’s like “YEEEESSSS!!!!!!”.
Link(s) to work
- Palindrome Checker
Introduction to the Debugging Challenges
- PassedUse the JavaScript Console to Check the Value of a Variable
- PassedUnderstanding the Differences between the freeCodeCamp and Browser Console
- PassedUse typeof to Check the Type of a Variable (https://www.freecodecamp.com)