Day 26 of 100 Days Of Code
Day 26: August 19, Sunday
Today ‘s Progress: I Started work on Introduction to the JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Projects.
Thoughts: I focused on trying to define the challenge and fully understand the requirements to pass these projects. This isn’t like the other challenges as these are for the certification. I made a place in the FCC-Projects repo on GitHub here in FCC-Projects/FCC_JS_Projects to store my projects. I had previously did the first project so moved on to the second today. my goal is to complete one a day but some may take longer.
After examining the requirements I made the following user story, As a user I want to: convert the given number into a roman numeral, and all roman numerals answers should be upper-case. I used the following:
- Modulus (Division Remainder)
- Array.lengthr,
- Assignment operators
- Converting Decimal Number lying between 1 to 3999 to Roman Numerals,
console.log("Roman Numeral Converter")
//Convert the given number into a roman numeral. All roman numerals answers should be provided in upper-case.
* JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Projects: *
* Roman Numeral Converter, JJ 2018 *
* *
function convertToRoman(num) {
//Make 2 arrays.
const decArr = [1000, 900, 500, 400, 100, 90, 50, 40, 10, 9, 5, 4, 1];
const romArr = ["M", "CM","D","CD","C", "XC", "L", "XL", "X","IX","V","IV","I"];
//Variable for solution.
let romNum = "";// Be carfull not to accidentally add whitespace
//While loop inside a for to convert the Number to Roman number
//console.log("Number: " + num);//Debugging
for (let i = 0; i <= decArr.length; i++) {
while (num % decArr[i] < num) {
romNum += romArr[i];
num -= decArr[i];
return romNum;
//Unit tests:
convertToRoman(36);//should return "XXXVI"
convertToRoman(2); //should return "II".
convertToRoman(3); //should return "III".
convertToRoman(4); //should return "IV".
convertToRoman(5); //should return "V".
convertToRoman(9); //should return "IX".
convertToRoman(12); //should return "XII".
convertToRoman(16); //should return "XVI".
convertToRoman(29); //should return "XXIX".
convertToRoman(44); //should return "XLIV".
convertToRoman(45); //should return "XLV"
convertToRoman(68); //should return "LXVIII"
convertToRoman(83); //should return "LXXXIII"
convertToRoman(97); //should return "XCVII"
convertToRoman(99); //should return "XCIX"
convertToRoman(400); //should return "CD"
convertToRoman(500); //should return "D"
convertToRoman(501); //should return "DI"
convertToRoman(649); //should return "DCXLIX"
convertToRoman(798); //should return "DCCXCVIII"
convertToRoman(891); //should return "DCCCXCI"
convertToRoman(1000); //should return "M"
convertToRoman(1004); //should return "MIV"
convertToRoman(1006); //should return "MVI"
convertToRoman(1023); //should return "MXXIII"
convertToRoman(2014); //should return "MMXIV"
convertToRoman(3999); //should return "MMMCMXCIX"
This was pretty straight forward but I did have some minor code problems that caused hours of debugging to get the tests to pass.
Link(s) to work
- Work on Projects Introduction to the JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Projects.
Introduction to the Functional Programming Challenges
- PassedPalindrome Checker
- PassedRoman Numeral Converter
All code is in GitHub and here: FCC_Projects_RomanNumeralConverter.js or FCC-Projects/FCC_JS_Projects