Day 26 of 100 Days Of Code

Day 26: August 19, Sunday

Today ‘s Progress: I Started work on Introduction to the JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Projects.

Thoughts: I focused on trying to define the challenge and fully understand the requirements to pass these projects. This isn’t like the other challenges as these are for the certification. I made a place in the FCC-Projects repo on GitHub here in FCC-Projects/FCC_JS_Projects to store my projects. I had previously did the first project so moved on to the second today. my goal is to complete one a day but some may take longer.

After examining the requirements I made the following user story, As a user I want to: convert the given number into a roman numeral, and all roman numerals answers should be upper-case. I used the following:

console.log("Roman Numeral Converter")
//Convert the given number into a roman numeral. All roman numerals answers should be provided in upper-case.
 * JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Projects:         *
 * Roman Numeral Converter, JJ 2018                            *
 *                *
function convertToRoman(num) {
  //Make 2 arrays.
  const decArr = [1000, 900, 500, 400, 100, 90, 50, 40, 10, 9, 5, 4, 1];
  const romArr = ["M", "CM","D","CD","C", "XC", "L", "XL", "X","IX","V","IV","I"];
  //Variable for solution.
  let romNum = "";// Be carfull not to accidentally add whitespace
  //While loop inside a for to convert the Number to Roman number
  //console.log("Number: " + num);//Debugging
  for (let i = 0; i <= decArr.length; i++) {     
    while (num % decArr[i] < num) {
      romNum += romArr[i];       
      num -= decArr[i];
  return romNum;
//Unit tests:
convertToRoman(36);//should return "XXXVI"
convertToRoman(2); //should return "II".
convertToRoman(3); //should return "III".
convertToRoman(4); //should return "IV".
convertToRoman(5); //should return "V".
convertToRoman(9); //should return "IX".
convertToRoman(12); //should return "XII".
convertToRoman(16); //should return "XVI".
convertToRoman(29); //should return "XXIX".
convertToRoman(44); //should return "XLIV".
convertToRoman(45); //should return "XLV"
convertToRoman(68); //should return "LXVIII"
convertToRoman(83); //should return "LXXXIII"
convertToRoman(97); //should return "XCVII"
convertToRoman(99); //should return "XCIX"
convertToRoman(400); //should return "CD"
convertToRoman(500); //should return "D"
convertToRoman(501); //should return "DI"
convertToRoman(649); //should return "DCXLIX"
convertToRoman(798); //should return "DCCXCVIII"
convertToRoman(891); //should return "DCCCXCI"
convertToRoman(1000); //should return "M"
convertToRoman(1004); //should return "MIV"
convertToRoman(1006); //should return "MVI"
convertToRoman(1023); //should return "MXXIII"
convertToRoman(2014); //should return "MMXIV"
convertToRoman(3999); //should return "MMMCMXCIX"

This was pretty straight forward but I did have some minor code problems that caused hours of debugging to get the tests to pass.

Link(s) to work

  1. Work on Projects Introduction to the JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Projects.

Introduction to the Functional Programming Challenges

  • PassedPalindrome Checker
  • PassedRoman Numeral Converter

All code is in GitHub and here: FCC_Projects_RomanNumeralConverter.js or FCC-Projects/FCC_JS_Projects

Written on August 19, 2018