Day 27 of 100 Days Of Code

Day 27: August 20, Monday

Today ‘s Progress: I continue work on Introduction to the JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Projects.

Thoughts: Today focused on trying to define the challenge Caesar Cipher (or ROT13) and meet the requirements to pass This project. CaesarCipher.js is located here:FCC-Projects/FCC_JS_Projects.

After examining the requirements I made the following user story, As a user I want to: enter a ROT13 encoded string as input to a function which will returns a decoded plain text string. also:

console.log("Caesars Cipher")
//Write a function which takes a ROT13 encoded string as input and returns a decoded string.
 * JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Projects:         *
 * CaesarsCipher, JJ 2018                                      *
 *       *
//My solution
function rot13(str) { // LBH QVQ VG!
  let myStr = "";
  console.log(str + "");//Debugging str contents
  console.log((str + "").replace(/[A-Z]/gi, function (myStr) { return String.fromCharCode(myStr.charCodeAt(0) + (myStr.toLowerCase() < "n" ? 13 : -13));}));//Debugging conversion routine, should decode in ROT 13 or encode if plain text
  return (str + "").replace(/[A-Z]/gi, function (myStr) {
    return String.fromCharCode(myStr.charCodeAt(0) + (myStr.toLowerCase() < "n" ? 13 : -13));
// Change the inputs below to test
rot13("SERR PBQR PNZC");
rot13("My Test");

This was not too hard but I did have some minor code problems that caused a couple refactoring of the code get the tests to pass. Then I wasn’t happy and wanted to use ternary operator ? and .replace.

Link(s) to work

  1. Work on Projects Introduction to the JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Projects.

Introduction to the Functional Programming Challenges

  • PassedCaesars Cipher

All code is in GitHub and here: FCCProjectCaesarsCipher or FCC-Projects/FCC_JS_Projects

Written on August 20, 2018