Day 6 of 100 Days Of Code
Day 6: July 30, Monday
Today ‘s Progress: I started challanges in Introduction to Basic Algorithm Scripting I coded for 1 hour.
Thoughts: Today was a tough day I had a 15.5-hour day at work (counting the commute) and was knee deep in Docker CLI. I feel so tired but I managed to get some coding before bed. Tomorrow it’s Kubernetes and another long day.
//The algorithm to convert from Celsius to Fahrenheit is the temperature in Celsius times 9/5, plus 32.
function convertToF(celsius) {
let fahrenheit = celsius * 9/5 + 32 ;// my solution
return fahrenheit;
Link(s) to work
Introduction to Basic Algorithm Scripting
- PassedConvert Celsius to Fahrenheit
- PassedReverse a String
- PassedFactorialize a Number
Written on July 30, 2018