Day 7 of 100 Days Of Code

Day 7: July 31, Tuesday

Today ‘s Progress: I continued the challanges in Introduction to Basic Algorithm Scripting I coded for 1.5 hours.

Thoughts: This week is a tough week I had another long day at work (counting the hellish commute) and was knee deep in DockerFiles CLI and RedHat’s OpenShift. I feel like I could sleep for a whole day. Tomorrow it’s another long commute day. The Challenges seem hard, to me coming up with code from scratch is difficult it feels like a white board interview.

//Find the Longest Word in a String
//Return the length of the longest word in the provided sentence.
function findLongestWordLength(str) {
    var obj = str.split(' ');// Split the words up
    var letterCount = 0; //variable for number of letters
    for (var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) { //loop through the split string
        if (letterCount < obj[i].length) { // this looks ugly I'm sure there is a better way
            letterCount = obj[i].length;
    return letterCount;    
findLongestWordLength("The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog");

Link(s) to work

  1. Continuing with Introduction to Basic Algorithm Scripting

Introduction to Basic Algorithm Scripting

  • PassedFind the Longest Word in a String
  • PassedReturn Largest Numbers in Arrays

All code is in GitHub and here: or GitHub

Written on July 31, 2018