Day 73 of 100 Days Of Code


Day 73: October 05, Friday

Today ‘s Progress: STILL Debugging (back to compiling with errors!!!!) INTERMEDIATE: Learn Vue 2: Step By Stepand VUE.JS - SIMPLE TODO APP - PART 1 ported into a local dev environment. Upgraded to VUE 3.0, still not working…

Thoughts: I am tiring to add features and update my first todo list hereVueApp after going though the videos I came up with thisVueJS_ToDoList the next steps being getting this in my local dev environment Need further Debugging.

Resources used:

It compiles but still doesn’t render… continued debugging tomorrow.

<li v-for="todo in todos">
       <input type="checkbox"

       <del v-if="todo.done">
       <span v-else>

The error I get in the browser is: error

Link(s) to work

  1. Working on my TODO application in local environment.

Code is at

Written on October 5, 2018