Day 82 of 100 Days Of Code

Day 82: October 14, Sunday

Today ‘s Progress: Continuing my work though TDD of Vue.js

Thoughts: TDD is pretty complicated for me the examples for VUE 3.0 are few and far between most tutorials are in VUE 2.0.

Resources used:

// Import the mount() method from the test utils
// and the component you want to test
/*jshint esversion: 6 */
import { mount } from '@vue/test-utils';
import Counter from './counter';

describe('Counter', () => {
  // Now mount the component and you have the wrapper
  const wrapper = mount(Counter);

  it('renders the correct markup', () => {
    expect(wrapper.html()).toContain('<span class="count">0</span>');

  // it's also easy to check for the existence of elements
  it('has a button', () => {

  it('button should increment the count', () => {
    const button = wrapper.find('button');

Trying to get my mind wrapped around TDD in VUE! Its really hard.

Link(s) to work

  1. Working on learning VUE-TDD application.

Code is at Vue-projects repo in github.

Written on October 14, 2018