Day 93 of 100 Days Of Code


Day 93: October 25, Thursday

Today ‘s Progress Trying to add functionality to my todo app using TDD.

Thoughts Coding to make my unit test pass, so far no luck. even reached out to the VUE discord community no luck…

Resources used:

Continuing to work on groking TDD with JEST!

Here is my Gherkin code:

Scenario: List on the home page
  Given The page is open in a browser
  When I inspect the page elements
  Then I should see a list title
  And the title should contain the correct words
  And the page should contain a List tag
  And the page should have at least 3 list items

and Jest:

import { defineFeature, loadFeature } from "jest-cucumber";
import Quasar from "quasar-framework";
import { mount, createLocalVue } from "@vue/test-utils";
import Default from "src/layouts/Default.vue";
import Home from "src/views/Home.vue";
import router from "./src/router.js";
import iconSet from "quasar-framework/icons/fontawesome";
import "quasar-extras/fontawesome";

const feature = loadFeature("tests/unit/features/Home.feature");
defineFeature(feature, test => {
    let localVue;
    // Initialize the Vue.js rendering engine with Quasar and font-awesome
    beforeEach(() => {
        localVue = createLocalVue();
        localVue.use(Quasar, {
            config: {},
            iconSet: iconSet
    test("Opening the initial web page", ({ given, when, then }) => {
        let wrapper;

        // Load our Default layout into the Vue rendering engine along with the Router instance
        given("The page is open in a browser", () => {
            wrapper = mount(Default, { localVue, router });

        // There really is not operation here, but we need a `when` clause
        when("I inspect the page", () => {
            // No-Operation

        then("I should see the Home landing page", () => {

        then("the page should have a sidebar menu", () => {

        then("the page should have a title bar", () => {

        then("the title bar should contain the correct words", () => {
            expect(wrapper.find("div.q-toolbar-title").text()).toMatch(/^My ToDo Application.*/);

    test("List on the home page", ({ given, when, then }) => {
        let wrapper;

        // Examine the Home page default layout
        given("The page is open in a browser", () => {
            wrapper = mount(Home, { localVue, router });

        // There really is not operation here, but we need a `when` clause
        when("I inspect the page elements", () => {
            // No-Operation

        then("I should see a list title", () => {

        then("the title should contain the correct words", () => {
            expect(wrapper.find("div.q-list-header").text()).toMatch(/^My ToDo List*/);

        then("the page should contain a List tag", () => {

        then("the page should have at least 3 list items", () => {

Lastly my code:

      <div style="width 500px; max-width: 90vw;">
        <q-list-header class="q-display-3">My ToDo List:</q-list-header>
        <q-list highlight inset-separator>
            <q-checkbox v-model="check1" color="secondary" />
            <q-item-main label="Brunch this weekend" label-lines="1" />
            <q-item-side right stamp="delete" />
            <q-checkbox v-model="check2" color="secondary" />
            <q-item-main label="learn JEST" label-lines="1" />
            <q-item-side right stamp="delete" />
            <q-checkbox v-model="check3" color="secondary" />
            <q-item-main label="Learn Quasar" label-lines="1" />
            <q-item-side right stamp="delete" />



  export default {
    name: "PageHome",
    data () {
      return {
        check1: true,
        check2: false,
        check3: false,
        newTodo: '',
        idForTodo: 3,
        beforeEditCache: '',
        filter: 'all',
        todos: [
            'id': 1,
            'title': 'Finish Vue Screencast',
            'completed': false,
            'editing': false,
            'id': 2,
            'title': 'Take over world',
            'completed': false,
            'editing': false,


Failing tests

Continue troubleshooting unit testing and then code to make tests pass, using TDD.

Link(s) to work

  1. Working on learning VUE-TDD application.

Code is at Vue-projects repo in github.

Written on October 25, 2018